Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Why the EU will continue to be a pivotal organization for Germany in the 21st century.

1. The demand for Germany's goods is at an all time high, the demand for their exports from other countries within the EU are huge. "From 2000 to 2008 external demand generated as much as two-thirds of the growth in overall demand for German output." by
2. The EU has one currency, the Euro; which helps all countries within the EU by being able to trade fair. "The EU's goal is to create a barrier-free trade zone and to enhance economic wealth by creating more efficiency within its marketplace." By
3. Being in the EU helps stablize conflict by having the same governing body that other countries can abide by the "constitution" and have the same values. This will make all the countries in the EU successful for not having quarrels or war between countries within the EU, and will help maintain comradeship.
4. Since the happenings of WW2, people find that Germany is trying to make amends with what happened by being in the EU and that they are trying to fix the past. This in turn will help the country in the long run with the ally of countries in the EU.
5. There are a series of treaties among the EU countries that focus on the protection of each. "Formerly an instrument of economic and social policy, the EU adopted the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) in response to global instability and the rise of terrorism. The creation of the European Security and Defense Policy (ESDP) followed, outlining the EU's international responsibilities to defend European territory and interests while cooperating with organizations such as the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the United Nations."
6. The EU allows other citizens from different countries to live in Germany (vice-versa) without taxes and this helps Germany grow in population and therefore can benefit from more people contributing to their economy.
7. The EU's ambition is to invest in education. Which in turn will help Germany and other countries thrive in an ever changing world. "‘Lifelong learning’ is the watchword. In the EU, the number of adults taking part in learning activities has been rising — reaching 9.6 % of people aged between 25 and 64 in 2006." Better education means betters jobs in turn help Germany gain.
8. The EU aims to provide research and developement and this will help Germany as well as other countries take part in the new technologies and will show success in economic growth and jobs.
9. As the population grows so does the need for transportation and energy. The EU makes sustainable development its top priority. This will help Germany in the long run with pollution and congestion of people.
10. The EU has a responsibility to ensure the protection of the environment. With waste they have to make sure that there  disposed, incinerated, or recycled properly; and this helps keep countries clean. Also greenhouse gases are a concern for the EU. They have made the international Kyoto Protocol, which the EU "must cut its global greenhouse gas emissions by 8 % (compared with levels in 1990, which serves as the base year) by 200812. To reach this target, EU-15 countries have agreed a burden-sharing arrangement whereby the economically less-advanced can still increase emissions while the rest reduce theirs." stated by
11. Healthcare policy is essential and being in the EU helps German citizens that travel can reliable health care. "The European health insurance card simplifies access to healthcare when you visit other EU countries."
12. If any country in the EU has economic problems that arise, the EU will help support them. This is good for Germany because if this were ever the case, than Germany can be sure they have a helping hand.

Works Cited
1.  Specht-Jarvis, Roland. Class Lecture. 8 Nov, 2010