Monday, December 6, 2010

Rote Armee Fraktion

Rotee Armee Fraktion  or RAF was formed in 1970 by Andreas Baader, Gudrun Ensslin, Horst Mahler, and Ulrike Meinhof. This group was formed as an idea of new youth identity. After WW2 and emerging baby boomers this group had its own views on how the government should be formed. They did not like the "fascist state" and rebelled against it. They thought of their government as being under charge by nazism. They were standing up to this and defending what their parents did not do. They led many operations of terrorism from kidnapping, arson, bombings to murder. There were 3 generations of RAF. The first generation was that of Baader and the others and they were the most prominent group and Germany's post WW2 most violent group. The second generation was from mid 1970's after other former members of a group joined, and the third generation which existed in the 1980's and 1990's. In 1998 an eight page letter was written declaring the group has dissolved.
Some similarities of RAF to today's terrorist groups are~ 
They will fight for a change.
They will cause destruction and violence.
They will fight against people in their own country.
I do believe however that the RAF group had more of a political reason behind the attacks and strongly believed that it wasn't right and they declared that and wanted change, but with today's terrorism I feel that the groups are targeting other people strictly for their own satisfaction of hurting another country physically and personal emotion whereas there is no real cause or idea behind it.

work cited

Baader-Meinhoff Complex

The movie Baader-Meinhoff Complex was very interesting to me. I did like this movie it had a lot of action and the plot was compelling. This movie was about a terrorist group back in the 60's that retells how the RAF (Red Army Faction) began. It was about the time of the German student movement and this group wanted to overthrow what they called a "Fascist State" The German students took appeal to this group becuase they were thinking and asking older generations if this state is still the same as before with WW2 and that it hasn't shed its nazi roots. This movie showed true events that had occured during this time. I found it very interesting to see events that I had learned being portrayed in this movie. Before this movie I did not know about the group called RAF. And it is interesting to me how a small group had big ideas and had turned violent with older generations of the RAF who wasn't even associated with the first generation of leaders, but they took on the name. All in all I found it enticing to watch, all with the exception of subtitles. But as far as that it gave the movie it's german appeal which in a way is beneficial for success of the movie being that it is part of the German history.