Sunday, September 19, 2010

German print media reviewed

Newspapers are a major way of communication and knowing what is going on in the world and around your community. It is a way of life for some people, and a big part of their culture. As stated by german newspapers, "78 percent of the German population reads a daily newspaper on a regular basis." I enjoy reading the newspaper to know what is going on. German newspapers are quite similar to the ones found in the united states. From what i can see from the various newspaper/pictures it looks as if they have local news, international, weather, sports and advertisement. I was quite surprised however when i was looking at various newspapers and they have sexual ads and adult entertainment. This tells me that they are open to their sexuality. i know that here in the united states we would never see pictures and ads in our newspapers like that. We are very conservative and i believe alot of people here would look down upon that type of media. However i do believe that newspapers in general are much the same everywhere, and that people rely on them on a daily basis. German newspapers are even offered here, although they are quite expensive, you can go online to read for free and also one could get a German-language newspaper that are published by various cultural groups. I just really thought it was interesting to see the differences as well as know that we do share a lot in common.

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